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Free Images with Natasha from Girls Boarding School.

Natascha has managed to break practically every rule in the book at Girls Boarding School in the short time she has been a student there. This time, Headmaster Tom has had more than enough of her nonsense. What has brought it all to a head is the fact that she has stayed out all night three times in the past week. Now it is comeuppance time. She is in a precarious position, leaning over the back of a chair with her hands on the floor.

If her arms were to give way she'd fall on her head. HM Tom explains to her that she is going to tell him when she's had enough. But, he does warn her that if she says 'enough'? Too soon, he'll give her ten times more. So she has no alternative but to agree to what he is saying. The cane comes down hard on her taut rounded bottom. After each stroke of the cane, she has to say, 'Thank you sir, another one please.'Scared that she may say 'enough' Too soon, she endures many more strokes of the cane than she needs to. Eventually, she screams out, 'enough sir' while the tears run down her cheeks. The punishment is over. Telling her to keep in position and reflect on her behaviour in the past, he leaves her with a very sore bottom.

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